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What support and intervention do we offer?

We offer a range of support and interventions for our pupils depending on their needs. 

This means we ensure that our support and intervention is inclusive to all and supports children in making progress within school and achieving their potential. Our support and intervention therefore is tailored to meet the needs of all children with special educational needs and / or disabilities under the 4 main areas of the code of practice:

Cognition and Learning

Communication and Interaction

Physical and Sensory

Social, Emotional and Mental Health


Intervention programmes are highly specific additional activities, in maths, writing and reading. These are taught individually or in a group of children, when it becomes evident that they need more support to catch up to their peers. Or it could simply be that a group of children (or a specific child) is struggling with a certain concept and they need to slow down and spend more time on it before they move on.

School interventions are also likely to be quite specific in the length of time they take. i.e. half termly or termly. The idea is that a child receives the intervention to support them in their area of need and then, assuming the intervention has the desired effect, after a time they are taken off the intervention programme and another child is selected to benefit.








What is Cognition and Learning?

Cognition and learning refers to the general learning of the person.  Pupils with needs or difficulties in this area may learn at a slower pace to their peers, find it difficult to acquire skills, have low levels of attainment across subjects or struggle with problem solving.

Examples of cognition and learning needs/difficulties that are listed in the SEN code of practice include:

  • Specific learning difficulties (including dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia).
  • Moderate learning difficulties
  • Severe learning difficulties
  • Profound multiple learning difficulties


What is communication and interaction?

Communication and Interaction refers to how pupils interact with others and communicate their wants and needs.

In all classes, all teaching and support staff are equipped with visuals to support children with communication and interaction needs. These help with children receiving positive reinforcement for their behaviour and also act as visual cue to support language and memory difficulties.


What is physical and sensory?

Children may have a physical disability or diagnosis such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, Developmental Coordination Disorder or Sensory Processing Dysfunction.

We work with children who have difficulties, which can prevent access to the learning environment by providing sensory equipment and ensuring movement breaks are built into the curriculum.

Pupils are supported to develop the functional skills including fine motor skills, gross motor skills, visual perception and self-care.

What is social, emotional and mental health?

Social, Emotional and Mental Health is the area of health that includes the ability to express needs, wants and emotions in a positive way, manage anger and conflict and deal appropriately with frustrations. It involves practicing life skills, making responsible decisions, developing good character, following a plan to manage stress and being resilient during difficult times.

Examples of Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs, which are listed in the SEND Code of Practice, include:

  • Anxiety or depression
  • Bereavement/separation
  • Self-harming and substance misuse
  • Eating disorders
  • Attachment disorder
  • Attention deficit disorder
  • Attention deficit hyperactive disorder

Mrs Sheldon - Pastoral Support/Learning Mentor


At Glebe we have a Pastoral Support/Learning Mentor, Mrs Sheldon, who works with pupils and their families to support their mental health well-being.