We use high quality, language rich texts and film units to support the children's writing.
When planning the unit of writing, teachers follow a 3 phase learning journey loosely based on the Talk For Writing approach.
The first stage is warming up the text: This is where the children look at the specific organisational and grammatical features of a model text or good examples in order to develop success criteria for when they will later be writing their own version. Lessons based around vocabulary, characters, setting, “ Boxing up” the information as well as drama. This allows the children to delve into and explore the text and get to know it really well.
(Boxing up)
The second stage is the apprentice writes: this is where the grammar and the skills, the children earlier identified , is taught within the context of what they will be writing. The children practise these skills and also practise them in the context of their desired outcome.
The third stage is the writing stage: This is where the children draft, edit , revise and redraft their work using their pink and green highlighters and their green biros. They will finally publish and, where appropriate, evaluate the authorial choices they made.
(Year 6 example)
(Year 2 example)
Useful websites
KS1 Grammar games:
KS2 Grammar games:
Please see the parents' grammar guide at the bottom of the page to see what is covered and when as well as the terminology used. An example of the year 1 section is below: