Children in Year 2 (from the spring term) and above who have not met the required standard in the phonics check or who have not met the required level of fluency will follow the Rapid Catch Up programme. This take place either individually or in a small group with children at the exact same phonic level.
They will have four, 20 minute sessions a week to support them to become confident, fluent readers. Session 1 and 2 will focus on learning new GPCs and the children will play a variety of fun games and practise reading and spelling words containing these GPCs. Sessions 3 and 4 are reading practice sessions. During session 3 they will focus on decoding allow the children to concentrate on applying their phonic knowledge and developing fluency when reading the words. Session 4 will then look at prosody and comprehension as now that the children have practised decoding they will re-read the same text focusing on reading with meaning, stress and intonation. This will first be modelled by the adult first. Once they are familiar with the text they should then be able to answer questions on it.
How can we support at home?
At the end of the week the children will be assigned an e-book. This will be the same text that they have read at school. The purpose of sharing the book at home is to give the children a chance to show what they can do and celebrate their success.