Who is in The Year 5 Team?
In year 5, we have an amazing team who bring a broad range of experience and knowledge to the year group. They are Miss Gordon, Mr Vandorpe, Miss Islam, Mrs Longhurst (class teaching assistant), Ms Sumrakova (learning support assistant), and Mrs Lonsbrough (learning support assistant).
What do we cover?
We cover a wide range of knowledge rich topics such as the rainforest, the Anglo Saxons/Vikings and the Greeks. Our curriculum balances all foundation subjects whilst prioritising English, maths and reading skills. As well as learning in school, weekly English and Maths homework will be set on Wednesday with the expectation that it is returned by Monday. By the end of the year, the children in year 5 are equipped with the knowledge and skills for Year 6 and general life.
Termly Overviews
Linked to the Autumn, Spring and Summer tabs are Year 5’s termly overviews. The overview outlines all of the exciting subjects, topics and objectives we will cover each term. We feel it is beneficial for parents to have a full understanding of what we cover in school to support any questions the children may have at home.
Key Vocabulary
Alongside our interesting topics, we will introduce a range of rich vocabulary in a number of subjects. Please look at the links below for our curriculum specific vocabulary. It is beneficial for the children to look at these at home for spelling and to deepen their understanding.
In year 5, children will receive weekly spelling homework. This will be focussed around the pattern that they are learning at school that fortnight. The spelling pattern is explicitly taught at school which they are then expected to practise at home. The children will be given a task to help them to practise this. Tasks are varied to aid them to apply their spellings to a variety of situations. Spelling tests will take place every two weeks on a Friday. Please see the link below for the year group spellings:
To further enhance the children’s education, we hope that we can provide the children educational visits to the British Museum, the Royal Institute of Science and take part in a Viking and a rainforest experience at the school itself.
Useful Websites
- General: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize
- https://www.topmarks.co.uk/
- Maths: https://ttrockstars.com/
- https://corbettmaths.com/5-a-day/primary/
- https://www.maths4everyone.com/
- https://whiterosemaths.com/for-parents/
- English: https://www.literacyshed.com/
- Reading recommendation: https://www.lovereading4schools.co.uk/
- Science and other topics: https://www.natgeokids.com/uk/subscribeuk/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIm-_P55Pt8gIVnoBQBh0LRQRbEAAYASAAEgIJuvD_BwE
- Interactive magazine covering a range of topics: https://alyathepathmaker.com/
- Mental health awareness: https://www.place2be.org.uk/
- Music: https://www.classicsforkids.com/