Year 3 is an incredibly exciting year as the children begin their first year in a brand new Key Stage. As your child begins their journey in Key Stage 2, we would like to promote pupil independence. We will focus on teaching children to become responsible for their own learning.
Our teachers this year are: Mr Rademacher, Miss Vasarhelyi, Mrs Mountain and Mrs Everett.
We are also supported by: Mrs Holding, Miss Baker, Miss Fox, Mrs Lonsbrough and Mrs Verity.
Our aim is for children to learn in a stimulating way, making cross-curricular links where possible, so that children gain a holistic approach to learning. We hope to enthuse children by engaging them in interesting lessons and activities during the school day, and by also providing out-of-school learning opportunities where possible. We have lots of exciting topics this year, including France, India, the Stone Age, Ancient Egypt and many more!
Keep checking this page regularly and watch out for your class Dojo alerts, which will show our learning in action and give you opportunity to respond and engage with us.
The Year 3 team look forward to an exhilarating year together and we thank you in advance for your continued support with your child’s learning.
We teach English through a variety of texts that will enrich the children's learning. The National Curriculum outlines the expectation that by the beginning of year 3, pupils should be able to read books written at an age-appropriate interest level. They should be able to read them accurately and at a speed that is sufficient for them to focus on understanding what they read rather than on decoding (working out)individual words.
They should be able to decode most new words outside their spoken vocabulary, making a good approximation to the word’s pronunciation. As their decoding skills become increasingly secure, the onus is placed on developing a wider vocabulary. The frequency, breadth and depth of your child’s reading, will ensure that they become independent, fluent and enthusiastic readers. The aim is for your child to develop an understanding and enjoyment of stories, poetry, plays and non-fiction; learning to read silently across a wide range of subjects and genres.
Pupils are expected to be able to write down their ideas with a reasonable degree of accuracy and with good sentence punctuation. The aim is for your child to develop as a writer, enhancing the effectiveness of what they write, expressing their ideas through increased evidence of grammatical conventions, with more varied vocabulary and narrative structures and beginning to understand how writing can be different from speech. Joined handwriting is expected to be the norm.
Pupils’ spelling of common words should be correct, including common exception words. The Word Lists for years 3 and 4 (see below) are statutory. The lists are a mixture of words pupils frequently use in their writing and those which they often misspell.
Year 3 Spellings Overview 2023-24
The focus of mathematical teaching in year 3 is to ensure that pupils become increasingly fluent with whole numbers and the four operations, including number facts and the concept of place value. This will ensure that children develop efficient written and mental methods and perform calculations accurately with increasingly large whole numbers. Our pupils should develop their ability to solve a range of problems, including with simple fractions and decimal place value.
Children are expected record their calculations with increasing accuracy and develop mathematical reasoning so they can analyse shapes and their properties, use measuring instruments with accuracy and make connections between measure and number. Pupils will use a range of concrete resources to teach mathematical concepts. We also focus on deepening their reasoning skills.
- PE kit to school: Children must come into school wearing their PE kit on. Your child’s teacher will let you know what days your child has P.E. Please ensure the children are not wearing any jewellery and their hair is tied back.
- Equipment: The only things children need to bring in is their fully stocked pencil case, reading book, reading record and a water bottle.
- Homework will be assigned every Wednesdays and is expected to be handed in the following Monday. We will alternate between maths and English homework each week.
- Spellings will be handed out on a Wednesday and pupils are expected to learn the spellings and be tested on them the following Friday. Please see the spelling list and dates below.
- Please ensure you listen to your child read at least three times a week and record this in their reading record. Pupils will be encouraged to change their reading books every week.
Termly Overviews
Our termly overviews show the range of topics covered throughout the year. Please see below for our curriculum maps that give you more information about the aspects of the topics we will cover.
Key Vocabulary
Throughout the year, we will be introducing different vocabulary to the children as part of the topics they will learn. Please see the links below for specific vocabulary for each term which you may begin to introduce at home too:
Chiltern Open Air Museum to aid our learning about the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age.
Ickenham marshes for our Science topic on plants
English | Maths | Topics & Subjects |
Spelling Shed - All children have log ins for Spelling Shed where they can access and practise their spellings through challenges, quizzes and mini tests. BBC Bitesize - This BBC website is full of lots of activities that support your child's learning. There are videos, games and reports that engage children of all ages. Cool Reads - Online Books to read BBC School Radio - BBC Class Clips Top Marks - This site has many games and activities to improve literacy skills. Childrens' Library - This is an online library of books in different languages to read with children. It is important for the children to develop their home language as well as their English.
Doodle Learning - All children have log ins to complete daily maths activities and challenges set by their teachers. TTRockstars - Children have log ins to play with and against their peers. They will learn and practise the times tables. BBC Bitesize - This BBC website is full of lots of activities that supports your child's learning. There are videos, games and reports that engage children of all ages. Top Marks - This site has many games that help children to improve their maths skills. Check out 'Countdown'. Khan Academy - Fantastic website that supports many subjects taught at school. Oxford Owl - Great resources from Oxford University Press Crick Web - Free online educational resources and games. Maths Zone - Lots and lots and lots of games and activities to support all sorts of maths skills. Primary Games - A popular website with lots of mathematical games. Mathsphere - Check out the 'Fun and Games' menu. There are some excellent puzzles in here to get you all thinking. Nrich Maths - Wonderful activities for all. If you feel you need to extend your learning, try some of the activities on this website. Cool Maths 4 Kids - Lots and lots of games and brainteasers to get you all thinking and looking for patterns in all things mathematical.
Activity Village - Activities linked to different topics. Natgeokids - Children can read about the world of animals and find fun fact out. A useful website to help develop children's understanding of nonfiction texts. Kids Know It - This website is aimed at developing children's general knowledge about the world. Make Me Genius - Science based activities for children to try at home.