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Our Year 2 teachers are Mrs Folland, Mrs Jan and Mr Curd. In addition to this, Miss Quirk teaches in 2F every Friday.   On Wednesday mornings, Mrs Speed teaches in 2J and on Thursday afternoons, Mr Perkins teaches in 2C.  Miss Slaveva does occasional cover in all classes in Year 2. 

Mrs Fitzwater and Mrs Mehra support the children in class.  Mrs Christodoulides, Mrs Christy and Mrs Reardon support children on a 1:1 basis in class.

Termly Overviews

In Year 2, we start our year by learning about Nurturing Nurses where we find out all about Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Edith Cavell. We then learn all about Australia looking at how they are different to us, the different human and physical features they have and all about Australian animals. In Science we learn all about animals and humans and start with looking at ourselves and how we change in different stages of life. During the Autumn term, we also learn to play the recorder with a teacher from the Hillingdon Music Hub.

In the Spring term, we learn all about the Great Fire of London and write our own Great Fire of London stories in English. We then learn all about maps and directions where we take a walk to learn about our local area. In Science we learn about materials and plants in which we have a go at growing our own beans in the classroom.

Finally, in Summer term, we learn about human and physical features at the seaside from past and in the present. We then learn about Medieval Castles and take a trip to Windsor Castle. In Science we then learn about living things and their habitats and spend them in our Sensory Garden.

Click the link for more detail. ​


Key vocabulary

Throughout the year we will be introducing different vocabulary to the children as part of the topics they will learn. Please see the links below for specific vocabulary for each term which you may begin to introduce at home too:


In year 2, children will receive weekly spelling homework. Spellings are given out on a Wednesday and are tested on a Tuesday. This will be focussed around the pattern that they are learning at school that week. The spelling pattern is explicitly taught at school which they are then expected to practise it at home. The children will be given a task to help them to practise it. Tasks are varied to aid them to apply it to a variety of situations. Please see the link below for the year group spellings:



During the autumn term, we will have a visit from Florence Nightingale and have the chance to ask her about her life and work. We visit Windsor Castle in the summer term to support our learning about Medieval Castles. 


We enjoy performing a Christmas production every December to the parents and the rest of the school. All children have the chance to play a part and to take part in singing songs as a group.

Useful websites:


phonics play

bbc bitesize